Главная » Игры » Fears to Fathom (Home Alone, Norwood Hitchhike, Carson House, Ironbark Lookout)
Fears to Fathom (Home Alone, Norwood Hitchhike, Carson House, Ironbark Lookout)

Fears to Fathom (Home Alone, Norwood Hitchhike, Carson House, Ironbark Lookout)
  • Название:

    Fears to Fathom (Home Alone, Norwood Hitchhike, Carson House, Ironbark Lookout) 2023 [Новая версия] на русском скачать торрент

  • Год выхода: 2023
  • Категория: Игры Новинки 2023 Adventure
  • Перевод: Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Испанский, Португалский, бр. Португальский Португальский, Китайский(упр.), Японский
  • Разработчик: Rayll
  • Платформа: PC
  • Требования: 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система ОС: Windows 10 64-bit Процессор: Intel Core i5-4670 | AMD Ryzen5 1600 Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB or AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB DirectX: версии 11 Место на диске: 6 GB
  • В подборках: Хоррор игры
2021: Fears to Fathom - Home Alone (Episode 1)
Fears to Fathom — Home Alone психологический хоррор с видом от первого лица, где предстоит играть за 14-летнего мальчика, родители которого уезжают на работу. Мальчик остаётся один и вскоре оказывается в беде. Сможет ли он пережить ночь? Зависит только от вашего выбора. Вас ожидает мрачная атмосфера ужаса, фотореалистичная графика, эстетика фильмов на VHS, интерактивные элементы и возможность взаимодействовать с героем собственным голосом.

2022: Fears to Fathom - Norwood Hitchhike (Episode 2)
Второй эпизод расскажет историю девушки по имени Холли Гарднер. Возвращаясь с конференции, девушка решает срезать, чтобы избежать пробок. Данная затея приводит героиню в мотель в долине Норвуд. Какие ужасы ее там ждут?

2023: Fears to Fathom - Carson House (Episode 3)
В 3 эпизоде Fears to Fathom - Carson House вы играете за Ноя Бейкера, 18-летнего подростка, который получил небольшое предложение о работе в качестве присмотра за главным операционным директором местной медиа-компании на выходных. Он принимает это предложение, так как у него не было ничего интересного. на эти выходные. Это было незадолго до того, как он начал испытывать что-то очень тревожное в этом месте. Мало ли он знал, что должно было произойти. Он выжил, потому что сделал правильный выбор.

2023: Fears to Fathom - Ironbark Lookout (Episode 4)
В 4 эпизоде Fears to Fathom - Ironbark Lookout Джек Нельсон, 24-летний сотрудник пожарной охраны, был переведен на новую точку. Осваиваясь на новом месте, он не мог отделаться от ощущения, что что-то не так, и еще не знал, что именно происходит в парке Айронбарк.

Скачать игру Fears to Fathom (Home Alone, Norwood Hitchhike, Carson House, Ironbark Lookout) (2023) через торрент

Загрузил: 29 июня 2024 05:56 Статус: Проверено
Размер: 16.86 Gb
Раздают: 199 Качают: 295 Скачали: 362
(Anthology)Fears To Fatnhom (844 файла)
(Episode 1)Fears to Fathom - Home Alone (7 файлов)
Fears To Fathom_Data (26 файлов)
Managed (96 файлов)
file Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll (286 Kb)
file Assembly-CSharp.dll (507 Kb)
file Facepunch.Steamworks.Win64.dll (534 Kb)
file LeanCommon.dll (50 Kb)
file LeanGUI.dll (53 Kb)
file LeanTransition.dll (71.5 Kb)
file Mono.Security.dll (303 Kb)
file System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll (242 Kb)
file System.Configuration.dll (42 Kb)
file System.Core.dll (1.01 Mb)
file System.Data.dll (1.85 Mb)
file System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.dll (6.5 Kb)
file System.Drawing.dll (180 Kb)
file System.EnterpriseServices.dll (32.5 Kb)
file System.Globalization.Extensions.dll (6 Kb)
file System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll (22.5 Kb)
file System.IO.Compression.dll (96.5 Kb)
file System.Net.Http.dll (112 Kb)
file System.Numerics.dll (111.5 Kb)
file System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml.dll (7 Kb)
file System.Runtime.Serialization.dll (821 Kb)
file System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll (213 Kb)
file System.Transactions.dll (32.5 Kb)
file System.Xml.Linq.dll (116.5 Kb)
file System.Xml.XPath.XDocument.dll (5 Kb)
file System.Xml.dll (2.3 Mb)
file System.dll (2.03 Mb)
file Unity.Analytics.DataPrivacy.dll (7.5 Kb)
file Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll (143.5 Kb)
file Unity.TextMeshPro.dll (324 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AIModule.dll (41.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ARModule.dll (12 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AccessibilityModule.dll (11.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll (134 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AssetBundleModule.dll (20.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll (57 Kb)
file UnityEngine.BaselibModule.dll (8 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ClothModule.dll (14 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ClusterInputModule.dll (9.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ClusterRendererModule.dll (8.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll (828.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.CrashReportingModule.dll (9 Kb)
file UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll (12.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.FileSystemHttpModule.dll (8 Kb)
file UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll (25.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.GridModule.dll (13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.HotReloadModule.dll (8 Kb)
file UnityEngine.IMGUIModule.dll (143.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ImageConversionModule.dll (9.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.InputModule.dll (11 Kb)
file UnityEngine.JSONSerializeModule.dll (10 Kb)
file UnityEngine.LocalizationModule.dll (9 Kb)
file UnityEngine.Networking.dll (254.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll (124.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.PerformanceReportingModule.dll (8.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.Physics2DModule.dll (91 Kb)
file UnityEngine.PhysicsModule.dll (83 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ProfilerModule.dll (8 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ScreenCaptureModule.dll (9 Kb)
file UnityEngine.SharedInternalsModule.dll (19 Kb)
file UnityEngine.SpatialTracking.dll (11 Kb)
file UnityEngine.SpriteMaskModule.dll (9.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll (9.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.StreamingModule.dll (8.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.StyleSheetsModule.dll (16 Kb)
file UnityEngine.SubstanceModule.dll (12.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TLSModule.dll (8 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll (61.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TerrainPhysicsModule.dll (8.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll (31.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TextRenderingModule.dll (26 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll (23.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.Timeline.dll (96.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TimelineModule.dll (8 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UI.dll (248 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll (343.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UIModule.dll (21.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll (75 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UmbraModule.dll (8 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll (23.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityConnectModule.dll (10 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityTestProtocolModule.dll (8 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll (11 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll (10.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll (41 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestTextureModule.dll (10 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestWWWModule.dll (19.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.VFXModule.dll (26.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.VRModule.dll (28.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.VehiclesModule.dll (11.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll (26 Kb)
file UnityEngine.WindModule.dll (9 Kb)
file UnityEngine.XRModule.dll (43.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.dll (70.5 Kb)
file mscorlib.dll (3.72 Mb)
file netstandard.dll (83 Kb)
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file steam_api64.dll (256.78 Kb)
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file unity default resources (3.55 Mb)
file unity_builtin_extra (524.91 Kb)
png ScreenSelector.png (92.68 Kb)
file app.info (21 b)
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file globalgamemanagers.assets (139.66 Kb)
file globalgamemanagers (107.38 Kb)
file level0.resS (14.06 Mb)
file level0 (2.19 Mb)
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file level1 (11.17 Mb)
file level2.resS (20.28 Mb)
file level2 (23.51 Mb)
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file resources.assets (9.14 Mb)
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file sharedassets0.assets (9.03 Mb)
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file sharedassets1.assets (19.77 Mb)
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file sharedassets2.assets (6.53 Mb)
file sharedassets2.resource (18.4 Mb)
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file mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll (4.72 Mb)
etc (1 файл)
mono (6 файлов)
2.0 (5 файлов)
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file Compat.browser (1.57 Kb)
file DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx (59.16 Kb)
file machine.config (28.43 Kb)
file settings.map (2.56 Kb)
file web.config (11.41 Kb)
4.0 (5 файлов)
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file Compat.browser (1.57 Kb)
file DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx (59.16 Kb)
file machine.config (32.86 Kb)
file settings.map (2.56 Kb)
file web.config (18.41 Kb)
4.5 (5 файлов)
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file Compat.browser (1.57 Kb)
file DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx (59.16 Kb)
file machine.config (33.31 Kb)
file settings.map (2.56 Kb)
file web.config (18.42 Kb)
mconfig (1 файл)
file config.xml (25.21 Kb)
file browscap.ini (304.67 Kb)
file config (3.21 Kb)
txt A Game By Rayll.txt (21 b)
exe Fears To Fathom.exe (635.5 Kb)
exe UnityCrashHandler64.exe (1.39 Mb)
file UnityPlayer.dll (22.23 Mb)
file WinPixEventRuntime.dll (41.7 Kb)
(Episode 2)Fears to Fathom - Norwood Hitchhike (6 файлов)
Fears To Fathom - Norwood Hitchhike_Data (38 файлов)
Managed (112 файлов)
file Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll (300 Kb)
file Assembly-CSharp.dll (739.5 Kb)
file DelaunayER.dll (8.5 Kb)
file EasyRoads3Dv3.dll (969.5 Kb)
file Facepunch.Steamworks.Win64.dll (534 Kb)
file LeanCommon.dll (50 Kb)
file LeanGUI.dll (53 Kb)
file LeanTransition.dll (72.5 Kb)
file Mono.Security.dll (303 Kb)
file Newtonsoft.Json.dll (667 Kb)
file PathCreator.dll (30 Kb)
file System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll (242 Kb)
file System.Configuration.dll (42 Kb)
file System.Core.dll (1.01 Mb)
file System.Data.dll (1.85 Mb)
file System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.dll (6.5 Kb)
file System.Drawing.dll (180 Kb)
file System.EnterpriseServices.dll (32.5 Kb)
file System.Globalization.Extensions.dll (6 Kb)
file System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll (22.5 Kb)
file System.IO.Compression.dll (96.5 Kb)
file System.Net.Http.dll (112 Kb)
file System.Numerics.dll (111.5 Kb)
file System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml.dll (7 Kb)
file System.Runtime.Serialization.dll (821 Kb)
file System.Runtime.dll (12.5 Kb)
file System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll (213 Kb)
file System.Transactions.dll (32.5 Kb)
file System.Xml.Linq.dll (116.5 Kb)
file System.Xml.XPath.XDocument.dll (5 Kb)
file System.Xml.dll (2.3 Mb)
file System.dll (2.17 Mb)
file Unity.Addressables.dll (90.5 Kb)
file Unity.Animation.Rigging.dll (96 Kb)
file Unity.Burst.Unsafe.dll (5.5 Kb)
file Unity.Burst.dll (159.5 Kb)
file Unity.InternalAPIEngineBridge.013.dll (4.5 Kb)
file Unity.Localization.dll (236.5 Kb)
file Unity.Mathematics.dll (707 Kb)
file Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll (145.5 Kb)
file Unity.ResourceManager.dll (94.5 Kb)
file Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll (7 Kb)
file Unity.TextMeshPro.dll (361.5 Kb)
file Unity.Timeline.dll (109 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AIModule.dll (44.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ARModule.dll (10 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AccessibilityModule.dll (12.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll (66.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll (146.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AssetBundleModule.dll (22 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll (57 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ClothModule.dll (15 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ClusterInputModule.dll (10.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ClusterRendererModule.dll (11 Kb)
file UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll (1.09 Mb)
file UnityEngine.CrashReportingModule.dll (10 Kb)
file UnityEngine.DSPGraphModule.dll (18 Kb)
file UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll (13.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.GIModule.dll (9 Kb)
file UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll (27.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.GridModule.dll (14 Kb)
file UnityEngine.HotReloadModule.dll (9 Kb)
file UnityEngine.IMGUIModule.dll (156.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ImageConversionModule.dll (13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.InputLegacyModule.dll (25.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.InputModule.dll (12.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.JSONSerializeModule.dll (11 Kb)
file UnityEngine.LocalizationModule.dll (10 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll (139 Kb)
file UnityEngine.PerformanceReportingModule.dll (9.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.Physics2DModule.dll (104.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.PhysicsModule.dll (94.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ProfilerModule.dll (9 Kb)
file UnityEngine.RuntimeInitializeOnLoadManagerInitializerModule.dll (9 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ScreenCaptureModule.dll (10 Kb)
file UnityEngine.SharedInternalsModule.dll (21 Kb)
file UnityEngine.SpriteMaskModule.dll (10.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll (14 Kb)
file UnityEngine.StreamingModule.dll (10 Kb)
file UnityEngine.SubstanceModule.dll (13.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll (23.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TLSModule.dll (9 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll (80 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TerrainPhysicsModule.dll (10 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll (182.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TextRenderingModule.dll (27.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll (26 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UI.dll (225 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll (781 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UIElementsNativeModule.dll (46.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UIModule.dll (23.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll (77 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UmbraModule.dll (9 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll (33 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityConnectModule.dll (11 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityCurlModule.dll (10.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityTestProtocolModule.dll (9 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll (12 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll (11.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll (43 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestTextureModule.dll (11 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestWWWModule.dll (20 Kb)
file UnityEngine.VFXModule.dll (39 Kb)
file UnityEngine.VRModule.dll (15 Kb)
file UnityEngine.VehiclesModule.dll (13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll (29 Kb)
file UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll (23 Kb)
file UnityEngine.WindModule.dll (10 Kb)
file UnityEngine.XRModule.dll (54.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.dll (90 Kb)
file mscorlib.dll (3.73 Mb)
file netstandard.dll (83 Kb)
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x86_64 (5 файлов)
file lib_burst_generated.dll (339 Kb)
txt lib_burst_generated.txt (36.12 Kb)
file steam_api64.cdx (256.78 Kb)
file steam_api64.dll (401.91 Kb)
file steam_emu.ini (2.59 Kb)
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file unity default resources (4.62 Mb)
file unity_builtin_extra (468.8 Kb)
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aa (4 файла)
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file RuntimeInitializeOnLoads.json (168 b)
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file level2 (278.88 Mb)
file level3.resS (15.9 Mb)
file level3 (384.82 Mb)
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file level4 (3.3 Mb)
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file resources.assets (66.01 Mb)
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file sharedassets0.assets (275.62 Mb)
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file sharedassets2.assets (833.32 Kb)
file sharedassets2.resource (59.79 Mb)
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file sharedassets3.assets (1.7 Mb)
file sharedassets3.resource (72.96 Mb)
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file sharedassets4.assets (1.99 Mb)
file sharedassets4.resource (4.6 Mb)
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file mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll (4.75 Mb)
etc (1 файл)
mono (6 файлов)
2.0 (5 файлов)
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file Compat.browser (1.57 Kb)
file DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx (59.16 Kb)
file machine.config (28.43 Kb)
file settings.map (2.56 Kb)
file web.config (11.41 Kb)
4.0 (5 файлов)
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file Compat.browser (1.57 Kb)
file DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx (59.16 Kb)
file machine.config (32.86 Kb)
file settings.map (2.56 Kb)
file web.config (18.41 Kb)
4.5 (5 файлов)
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file Compat.browser (1.57 Kb)
file DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx (59.16 Kb)
file machine.config (33.31 Kb)
file settings.map (2.56 Kb)
file web.config (18.42 Kb)
mconfig (1 файл)
file config.xml (25.21 Kb)
file browscap.ini (304.67 Kb)
file config (3.2 Kb)
exe Fears To Fathom - Norwood Hitchhike.exe (638.5 Kb)
exe UnityCrashHandler64.exe (1.19 Mb)
file UnityPlayer.dll (26.82 Mb)
txt a game by Rayll.txt (12 b)
(Episode 3)Fears to Fathom - Carson House (7 файлов)
Fears To Fathom - Carson House_BurstDebugInformation_DoNotShip (1 файл)
Data (1 файл)
Plugins (1 файл)
x86_64 (1 файл)
txt lib_burst_generated.txt (42.99 Kb)
Fears To Fathom - Carson House_Data (59 файлов)
Managed (137 файлов)
file Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll (369.5 Kb)
file Assembly-CSharp.dll (765 Kb)
file CameraFilterPackAssembly.dll (268 Kb)
file DelaunayER.dll (8.5 Kb)
file EasyRoads3Dv3.dll (969.5 Kb)
file F2F.EP2.dll (24.5 Kb)
file Facepunch.Steamworks.Win64.dll (534 Kb)
file LeanCommon.dll (50 Kb)
file LeanGUI.dll (53 Kb)
file LeanTransition.dll (72.5 Kb)
file MeshBakerCore.dll (334.5 Kb)
file Mono.Security.dll (235.5 Kb)
file Newtonsoft.Json.dll (670 Kb)
file PathCreator.dll (30 Kb)
file StandardAssetsAssembly.dll (21 Kb)
file System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll (251 Kb)
file System.Configuration.dll (122 Kb)
file System.Core.dll (1.06 Mb)
file System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll (29 Kb)
file System.Data.dll (2.02 Mb)
file System.Drawing.dll (478.5 Kb)
file System.EnterpriseServices.dll (43.5 Kb)
file System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll (18 Kb)
file System.IO.Compression.dll (112 Kb)
file System.Net.Http.dll (118.5 Kb)
file System.Numerics.dll (116.5 Kb)
file System.Runtime.Serialization.dll (912.5 Kb)
file System.Runtime.dll (12 Kb)
file System.Security.dll (307.5 Kb)
file System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll (210 Kb)
file System.Transactions.dll (34.5 Kb)
file System.Xml.Linq.dll (133.5 Kb)
file System.Xml.dll (3.01 Mb)
file System.dll (2.52 Mb)
file Unity.Addressables.dll (96 Kb)
file Unity.Animation.Rigging.dll (96 Kb)
file Unity.Burst.Cecil.Mdb.dll (43.5 Kb)
file Unity.Burst.Cecil.Pdb.dll (85 Kb)
file Unity.Burst.Cecil.Rocks.dll (27.5 Kb)
file Unity.Burst.Cecil.dll (338.5 Kb)
file Unity.Burst.Unsafe.dll (5.5 Kb)
file Unity.Burst.dll (297.5 Kb)
file Unity.InternalAPIEngineBridge.013.dll (4.5 Kb)
file Unity.Localization.dll (232 Kb)
file Unity.Mathematics.dll (709.5 Kb)
file Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll (146 Kb)
file Unity.ResourceManager.dll (96.5 Kb)
file Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll (7 Kb)
file Unity.Services.Core.Analytics.dll (4 Kb)
file Unity.Services.Core.Configuration.dll (10 Kb)
file Unity.Services.Core.Device.dll (5 Kb)
file Unity.Services.Core.Environments.Internal.dll (4 Kb)
file Unity.Services.Core.Environments.dll (4 Kb)
file Unity.Services.Core.Internal.dll (44.5 Kb)
file Unity.Services.Core.Networking.dll (6.5 Kb)
file Unity.Services.Core.Registration.dll (14 Kb)
file Unity.Services.Core.Scheduler.dll (8 Kb)
file Unity.Services.Core.Telemetry.dll (25.5 Kb)
file Unity.Services.Core.Threading.dll (5.5 Kb)
file Unity.Services.Core.dll (10 Kb)
file Unity.TextMeshPro.dll (362 Kb)
file Unity.Timeline.dll (113 Kb)
file Unity.VisualScripting.Antlr3.Runtime.dll (84 Kb)
file Unity.VisualScripting.Core.dll (528.5 Kb)
file Unity.VisualScripting.Flow.dll (320 Kb)
file Unity.VisualScripting.State.dll (26.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AIModule.dll (53.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ARModule.dll (19.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AccessibilityModule.dll (21.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll (75.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll (156.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AssetBundleModule.dll (31.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll (66.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ClothModule.dll (23.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ClusterInputModule.dll (19.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ClusterRendererModule.dll (20.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll (1.2 Mb)
file UnityEngine.CrashReportingModule.dll (18.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.DSPGraphModule.dll (27.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll (22.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.GIModule.dll (17.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll (37.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.GridModule.dll (22.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.HotReloadModule.dll (18.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.IMGUIModule.dll (167.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ImageConversionModule.dll (22.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.InputLegacyModule.dll (34.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.InputModule.dll (21.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.JSONSerializeModule.dll (19.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.LocalizationModule.dll (19.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.NVIDIAModule.dll (31.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll (149.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.PerformanceReportingModule.dll (18.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.Physics2DModule.dll (129.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.PhysicsModule.dll (110.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ProfilerModule.dll (18.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.RuntimeInitializeOnLoadManagerInitializerModule.dll (18.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ScreenCaptureModule.dll (19.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.SharedInternalsModule.dll (29.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.SpriteMaskModule.dll (19.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll (23.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.StreamingModule.dll (18.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.SubstanceModule.dll (22.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll (32.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TLSModule.dll (24.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll (94.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TerrainPhysicsModule.dll (18.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TextCoreFontEngineModule.dll (48.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TextCoreTextEngineModule.dll (188.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TextRenderingModule.dll (36.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll (40.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UI.dll (239.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll (1.14 Mb)
file UnityEngine.UIElementsNativeModule.dll (55.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UIModule.dll (33.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll (85.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UmbraModule.dll (17.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll (41.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityConnectModule.dll (19.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityCurlModule.dll (19.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityTestProtocolModule.dll (18.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll (20.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll (20.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll (54.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestTextureModule.dll (19.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestWWWModule.dll (29.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.VFXModule.dll (51.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.VRModule.dll (24.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.VehiclesModule.dll (21.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll (37.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll (32.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.WindModule.dll (18.63 Kb)
file UnityEngine.XRModule.dll (67.13 Kb)
file UnityEngine.dll (106.63 Kb)
file Whinarn.UnityMeshSimplifier.Runtime.dll (87 Kb)
file mscorlib.dll (4.42 Mb)
file netstandard.dll (88 Kb)
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x86_64 (4 файла)
zip icons.zip (35.68 Kb)
file lib_burst_generated.dll (206 Kb)
file steam_api64.dll (1.07 Mb)
file tenoke.ini (2.7 Kb)
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file unity_builtin_extra (520.28 Kb)
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file localization-string-tables-portuguese(pt)_assets_all.bundle (18.06 Kb)
file localization-string-tables-spanish(es)_assets_all.bundle (18.31 Kb)
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file app.info (36 b)
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file globalgamemanagers (322.27 Kb)
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file level1 (20.77 Mb)
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file level3 (22.56 Mb)
file level4.resS (18.91 Mb)
file level4 (91.25 Mb)
file level5.resS (11.15 Mb)
file level5 (70.27 Mb)
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file level6 (92.62 Mb)
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file level7 (93.53 Mb)
file level8.resS (18.98 Mb)
file level8 (93.52 Mb)
file level9.resS (2.76 Mb)
file level9 (27.88 Mb)
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file sharedassets4.resource (290.84 Mb)
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file sharedassets5.assets (35.14 Mb)
file sharedassets5.resource (21.4 Mb)
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file sharedassets6.assets (2.22 Mb)
file sharedassets6.resource (34.54 Mb)
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file sharedassets7.assets (1.23 Mb)
file sharedassets7.resource (11.62 Mb)
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file sharedassets8.assets (989.16 Kb)
file sharedassets8.resource (16.42 Mb)
file sharedassets9.assets.resS (16.3 Mb)
file sharedassets9.assets (575.29 Kb)
file sharedassets9.resource (1.4 Mb)
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file MonoPosixHelper.dll (595.13 Kb)
file mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll (7.33 Mb)
etc (1 файл)
mono (6 файлов)
2.0 (5 файлов)
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file Compat.browser (1.57 Kb)
file DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx (59.16 Kb)
file machine.config (28.38 Kb)
file settings.map (2.56 Kb)
file web.config (11.36 Kb)
4.0 (5 файлов)
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file Compat.browser (1.57 Kb)
file DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx (59.16 Kb)
file machine.config (32.81 Kb)
file settings.map (2.56 Kb)
file web.config (18.36 Kb)
4.5 (5 файлов)
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file DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx (59.16 Kb)
file machine.config (33.26 Kb)
file settings.map (2.56 Kb)
file web.config (18.37 Kb)
mconfig (1 файл)
file config.xml (25.21 Kb)
file browscap.ini (304.67 Kb)
file config (3.49 Kb)
exe Fears To Fathom - Carson House.exe (638.5 Kb)
exe UnityCrashHandler64.exe (1.07 Mb)
file UnityPlayer.dll (27.5 Mb)
txt a game by rayll.txt (24 b)
(Episode 4)Fears to Fathom - Ironbark Lookout (6 файлов)
Fears to Fathom - Ironbark Lookout_BurstDebugInformation_DoNotShip (1 файл)
Data (1 файл)
Plugins (1 файл)
x86_64 (1 файл)
txt lib_burst_generated.txt (39.95 Kb)
Fears to Fathom - Ironbark Lookout_Data (67 файлов)
Managed (162 файла)
file Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll (172.5 Kb)
file Assembly-CSharp.dll (1002 Kb)
file Autodesk.Fbx.dll (3 Kb)
file CameraFilterPackAssembly.dll (268 Kb)
file DOTween.dll (170.5 Kb)
file DelaunayER.dll (8.5 Kb)
file EasyRoads3Dv3.dll (1.13 Mb)
file Facepunch.Steamworks.Win64.dll (534 Kb)
file FbxBuildTestAssets.dll (3.5 Kb)
file Microsoft.CSharp.dll (294.5 Kb)
file Mono.Security.dll (235.5 Kb)
file Newtonsoft.Json.dll (673.5 Kb)
file PathCreator.dll (30 Kb)
file System.Collections.Concurrent.dll (5 Kb)
file System.Collections.dll (5 Kb)
file System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll (251 Kb)
file System.Configuration.dll (122 Kb)
file System.Console.dll (4 Kb)
file System.Core.dll (1.06 Mb)
file System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll (29 Kb)
file System.Data.dll (2.02 Mb)
file System.Diagnostics.Tools.dll (4.5 Kb)
file System.Drawing.dll (478.5 Kb)
file System.EnterpriseServices.dll (43.5 Kb)
file System.Globalization.dll (5 Kb)
file System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll (18 Kb)
file System.IO.Compression.dll (112 Kb)
file System.IO.FileSystem.dll (4.5 Kb)
file System.IO.dll (4.5 Kb)
file System.Linq.dll (4 Kb)
file System.Net.Http.dll (118.5 Kb)
file System.Numerics.dll (116.5 Kb)
file System.ObjectModel.dll (5 Kb)
file System.Reflection.Extensions.dll (4.5 Kb)
file System.Reflection.dll (5.5 Kb)
file System.Resources.ResourceManager.dll (4.5 Kb)
file System.Runtime.Extensions.dll (5 Kb)
file System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll (7.5 Kb)
file System.Runtime.Serialization.dll (912.5 Kb)
file System.Runtime.dll (12 Kb)
file System.Security.dll (312.5 Kb)
file System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll (210 Kb)
file System.Text.Encoding.dll (5 Kb)
file System.Threading.Tasks.dll (5.5 Kb)
file System.Threading.dll (5.5 Kb)
file System.Transactions.dll (34.5 Kb)
file System.Xml.Linq.dll (133.5 Kb)
file System.Xml.dll (3.01 Mb)
file System.dll (2.52 Mb)
file Unity.Addressables.dll (96 Kb)
file Unity.Animation.Rigging.dll (96 Kb)
file Unity.Burst.Cecil.Mdb.dll (43.5 Kb)
file Unity.Burst.Cecil.Pdb.dll (85 Kb)
file Unity.Burst.Cecil.Rocks.dll (27.5 Kb)
file Unity.Burst.Cecil.dll (338.5 Kb)
file Unity.Burst.Unsafe.dll (5.5 Kb)
file Unity.Burst.dll (297.5 Kb)
file Unity.Formats.Fbx.Runtime.dll (5.5 Kb)
file Unity.InternalAPIEngineBridge.013.dll (4.5 Kb)
file Unity.Localization.dll (240 Kb)
file Unity.Mathematics.dll (709.5 Kb)
file Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll (146 Kb)
file Unity.RenderPipelines.Core.Runtime.dll (343.5 Kb)
file Unity.RenderPipelines.Core.ShaderLibrary.dll (3.5 Kb)
file Unity.RenderPipelines.ShaderGraph.ShaderGraphLibrary.dll (3.5 Kb)
file Unity.ResourceManager.dll (96.5 Kb)
file Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll (7 Kb)
file Unity.TerrainTools.dll (4 Kb)
file Unity.TextMeshPro.dll (362 Kb)
file Unity.Timeline.dll (113 Kb)
file Unity.VisualScripting.Antlr3.Runtime.dll (84 Kb)
file Unity.VisualScripting.Core.dll (534 Kb)
file Unity.VisualScripting.Flow.dll (323 Kb)
file Unity.VisualScripting.State.dll (26.5 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AIModule.dll (55.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ARModule.dll (20.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AccessibilityModule.dll (22.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll (77.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll (158.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AssetBundleModule.dll (32.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll (68.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ClothModule.dll (25.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ClusterInputModule.dll (21.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ClusterRendererModule.dll (21.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll (1.21 Mb)
file UnityEngine.CrashReportingModule.dll (20.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.DSPGraphModule.dll (28.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll (24.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.GIModule.dll (19.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll (39.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.GridModule.dll (24.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.HotReloadModule.dll (19.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.IMGUIModule.dll (169.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ImageConversionModule.dll (23.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.InputLegacyModule.dll (36.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.InputModule.dll (22.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.JSONSerializeModule.dll (21.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.LocalizationModule.dll (20.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.NVIDIAModule.dll (33.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll (151.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.PerformanceReportingModule.dll (20.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.Physics2DModule.dll (130.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.PhysicsModule.dll (112.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ProfilerModule.dll (19.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.RuntimeInitializeOnLoadManagerInitializerModule.dll (19.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.ScreenCaptureModule.dll (20.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.SharedInternalsModule.dll (31.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.SpriteMaskModule.dll (20.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll (24.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.StreamingModule.dll (20.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.SubstanceModule.dll (24.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll (34.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TLSModule.dll (26.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll (96.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TerrainPhysicsModule.dll (20.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TextCoreFontEngineModule.dll (71.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TextCoreTextEngineModule.dll (193.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TextRenderingModule.dll (38.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll (41.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UI.dll (242 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll (1.15 Mb)
file UnityEngine.UIElementsNativeModule.dll (57.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UIModule.dll (35.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll (87.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UmbraModule.dll (19.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsCommonModule.dll (20.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll (43.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityConnectModule.dll (21.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityCurlModule.dll (21.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityTestProtocolModule.dll (19.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll (22.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll (22.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll (55.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestTextureModule.dll (21.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestWWWModule.dll (30.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.VFXModule.dll (53.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.VRModule.dll (25.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.VehiclesModule.dll (23.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll (39.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll (34.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.WindModule.dll (20.02 Kb)
file UnityEngine.XRModule.dll (68.52 Kb)
file UnityEngine.dll (109.52 Kb)
file Yarn.Antlr4.Runtime.Standard.dll (187 Kb)
file Yarn.CsvHelper.dll (143 Kb)
file Yarn.Google.Protobuf.dll (371.5 Kb)
file Yarn.Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll (15.5 Kb)
file Yarn.Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing.dll (37 Kb)
file Yarn.System.Buffers.dll (11 Kb)
file Yarn.System.Memory.dll (128.5 Kb)
file Yarn.System.Numerics.Vectors.dll (143.5 Kb)
file Yarn.System.Reflection.TypeExtensions.dll (13 Kb)
file Yarn.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll (8 Kb)
file Yarn.System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll (66.5 Kb)
file Yarn.System.Text.Json.dll (544 Kb)
file Yarn.System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll (16 Kb)
file YarnSpinner.Compiler.dll (248.5 Kb)
file YarnSpinner.Unity.dll (85 Kb)
file YarnSpinner.dll (84.5 Kb)
file YarnSpinnerTests.CommandsInAnAssemblyDefinition.dll (4.5 Kb)
file mscorlib.dll (4.42 Mb)
file netstandard.dll (88 Kb)
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file localization-string-tables-spanish(es)_assets_all.bundle (31.57 Kb)
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file sharedassets4.assets (20.76 Mb)
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file sharedassets5.assets (15.1 Mb)
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file sharedassets6.assets.resS (720.03 Mb)
file sharedassets6.assets (12.44 Mb)
file sharedassets6.resource (136.03 Mb)
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file sharedassets7.assets (987.13 Kb)
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file sharedassets8.assets (38.51 Mb)
file sharedassets8.resource (6.27 Mb)
file sharedassets9.assets (4.87 Kb)
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file MonoPosixHelper.dll (596.52 Kb)
file mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll (7.4 Mb)
etc (1 файл)
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file settings.map (2.56 Kb)
file web.config (18.36 Kb)
4.5 (5 файлов)
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file Compat.browser (1.57 Kb)
file DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx (59.16 Kb)
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file settings.map (2.56 Kb)
file web.config (18.37 Kb)
mconfig (1 файл)
file config.xml (25.21 Kb)
file browscap.ini (304.67 Kb)
file config (3.04 Kb)
exe Fears to Fathom - Ironbark Lookout.exe (638.5 Kb)
exe UnityCrashHandler64.exe (1.07 Mb)
file UnityPlayer.dll (28.01 Mb)
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